

  Today is May Day. It's a beautiful day. In the morning, my mother and I went to Taoran Pavilion. Oh, how lively the door is! The crowd is overwhelming. There are two huge flower beds on both sides of the door, which are full of red, yellow, white, purple and pink flowers.


  Flowers of each color are arranged in rows, just like colorful ribbons, floating on the green ocean.

  我们随着人流走进了公园,这里真是春意盎然,到处充满了节日的气氛。牡丹园里盛开着一朵朵紫的、白的、粉红的牡丹花。人们都称牡丹为“花中”,真是名不虚传。这些牡丹有多瓣的、有单瓣的,花蕊里不断的散发出阵阵清香。刺梅树上也开满了黄色的小花。藤萝架上开满了紫色的小花,从远处看就像一串串紫色的大葡萄。许多人拿着照相机,在牡丹花前、刺梅树旁、藤萝架下,留下了春天的美好回忆。一进门就看见一座清澈明亮的湖。鱼儿在水里欢快的游来游去,泛起一层层浪花,在阳学映照下闪闪发光。湖的旁边有花、草、树木、房屋。这里可以说是鲜花盛开,绿树成荫, 我们来到湖边,湖面上碧波荡漾。湖中漂浮着一叶叶小舟。

  We walked into the park with the flow of people. It was really spring and full of festival atmosphere. The peony garden is full of purple, white and pink peonies. People call peony "the king of flowers", which really deserves its reputation. These peonies are multi petal and single petal, and their stamens constantly emit bursts of fragrance. The prickly plum trees are also full of small yellow flowers. The vines are covered with small purple flowers, which look like clusters of purple grapes from a distance. Many people with cameras left beautiful memories of spring in front of peony flowers, beside prickly plum trees and under the vine frame. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a clear and bright lake. The fish swam happily in the water, forming layers of spray, shining in the sunlight. There are flowers, grass, trees and houses beside the lake. It can be said that flowers are in full bloom and trees are in shade,We came to the lake, where the blue waves rippled. A leaf boat floats in the lake.


  May Day is the source of my happiness!


  The cool breeze by the lake makes people feel relaxed and happy. Everyone is dressed in festival costumes, which adds some color to nature. I suddenly feel that spring is not only in nature, but also in people's hearts!






    关于作者: ygczy




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