

  Empty yourself when you feel tired. You may as well do a subtraction from material to spiritual. Learn to give up, control the little emotions that only increase troubles, and then concentrate on the pursuit. Learn to live a minimalist life and experience the true happiness of life.


  People should have an empty cup mentality. If the cup is not empty, you can't hold more things. A cup can hold the desert, just keep emptying it. As I grow older, I like to be quiet more and more. In the past, I used to go out for a trip without stopping. Now I prefer to choose a comfortable place to stop, stay there quietly, or listen to music, or read a book, or think, and completely empty myself.

  心累了,就试着放空自己。只要把自己复杂而烦躁的内心逐渐放空,该看淡的事情放下了,不该计较的不再计较了,心胸放宽了,心态调整好了,自己才能真正生活的轻松舒坦! 日常中经常听到这样的话:“别跟这个人一般见识,这事不要往心里放”。说的就是放下杂念,虚怀若谷,放空自己,提高自身的处世修养水平,那么自然就不会再感到心累。

  When you are tired, try to empty yourself. As long as you gradually empty your complicated and fidgety heart, let go of the things that should be looked down on, let go of the things that shouldn't be cared about, relax your mind, and adjust your mentality, you can really live a relaxed and comfortable life! I often hear such words in daily life: "Don't argue with this person, don't take this matter to heart". That is to say, let go of distractions, be open-minded, empty yourself, and improve your self-cultivation level, then naturally you won't feel tired again.



  Sometimes you have to learn to let nature take its course, and don't force what you can't do. Otherwise, it can only be much ado about nothing, only trouble until trouble troubles you; There is no need to worry too much about daily chores, otherwise it will only hurt your feelings and make you feel bad. If you can easily lift the weight of major events, grasp the key points of general things and do them step by step, you will be comfortable, and your mind and body will naturally be less tired. People's hearts can't be too greedy, and desires can't be endless. We must learn to stop when we are too good, or things will turn the other way around. In fact, what really makes people tired is not the incompetence when they are eager, nor the blow when they are frustrated, but their spiritual abandonment.


  Everything in life can't be satisfactory, and unhappy and unsatisfactory things happen from time to time. Sometimes you care too much and care too much, but the more you lose. When you are tired, let yourself have a proper rest, try to calm down, and let yourself sort out the mess before you deal with the problem.



  Sometimes you don't need to be too entangled. Life has its own beauty. As long as you can adjust your mentality and look at things from another angle, you will find that those things that bother you are nothing in the future. Life is just a game. Don't worry too much about people and things that are not worth it. Remember: "When you come to the end of the road, you will cross the bridge when you come to it." There is no obstacle in the world, only the heart that you can't let go. As long as we let go of the past, let nature take its course, take things easy, and do what we can, our mentality will be balanced, our body and mind will not be tired, and our life will be relaxed and comfortable.


  Don't live for the sake of life, let alone turn yourself into a tool to make money. Let go of stress, empty yourself, don't let yourself live so tired, live so physically and mentally, and learn to live an elegant and relaxed life. Lose your worries, abandon your worries, empty yourself and enjoy a happy life!






    关于作者: ygczy




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