夜风吹凉了许多人的后半生,越往后,生活里熟悉的东西越少。The night wind cools many people for the rest of their lives, and the later they go, the less familiar thing...
一天好短,你未拥抱清晨,却已相拥夕阳。The day is so short that you have embraced the sunset instead of the morning.一年好短,你未品及初春料峭,却身处银装素裹。A year is...
岁月蹉跎,悲事转头空。As time goes by, sorrow turns to nothing.万里行云,时空不停留。Clouds travel thousands of miles, and time and space don't stop.花中朝暮花...
秋风起,雨如丝,落叶满径。The autumn wind starts, the rain is like silk, and the fallen leaves are all over the diameter.夜亦寒,如丝雨,独解喧嚣。The night is also col...
疾风挥劲桨,The wind blows its oars,逆浪奈我何!and the waves go against me!己力寸寸前,One's strength, one's strength,笑尔枉翻波。one's strength, one...
《除夕感怀》举国问乐观香晚,养酒良辰竞笑颜。Ask the whole country to be optimistic and sweet, and raise the wine and have a good time to smile.劲牛摆尾休闲去,山王...
贺女足夺亚冠铿锵玫瑰迎春开,A sonorous rose blooms in the spring,逆境之中向未来。heading for the future in adversity.顽强拼搏夺亚冠,Struggle hard to win the AFC Ch...